Rajmahal Hills In India Map

Hey there fellow farmers, have you ever stopped to think about the geological history of our beautiful India? The Rajmahal Basin is a fascinating location in India that showcases the geological processes that have shaped our land over millions of years.
The Rajmahal Basin is located in eastern India, covering parts of the states of Jharkhand and West Bengal. It is one of the largest inter-trappean basins in the world and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna.
The geological history of the Rajmahal Basin dates back to the Triassic Period, over 200 million years ago. During this period, the supercontinent Pangaea began to break apart, causing massive volcanic eruptions and creating rift valleys. The Rajmahal Basin is located in one of these rift valleys, which was filled with sedimentary rocks and volcanic material.
The rocks in the Rajmahal Basin are divided into three main groups: the Rajmahal Traps, the Bakreshwar Formation, and the Panchet Formation. The Rajmahal Traps are a series of flood basalt flows that occurred around 120 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period. These basaltic rocks were formed from the lava that flowed from volcanic vents and covered the landscape.
The Bakreshwar and Panchet Formations are sedimentary rocks that were deposited in the Rajmahal Basin during the Paleocene Epoch, around 60 to 65 million years ago. The Bakreshwar Formation consists of sandstone, shale, and coal seams, while the Panchet Formation consists of sandstone, shale, and clay.
The Rajmahal Basin is also known for its mineral resources. The Bakreshwar Formation contains significant reserves of coal and natural gas, while the Rajmahal Traps are known for their potential as geothermal energy sources. The Panchet Formation is also rich in iron ore, manganese, and copper deposits.
Overall, the Rajmahal Basin is a fascinating location that showcases the geological processes that have shaped our land over millions of years. As farmers, it is important to understand the geological history of our land, as it plays a vital role in the fertility of our soil and the resources available to us.
Thanks for reading, fellow farmers. Remember to always stay curious and keep learning about our beautiful India.
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