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East West North South Direction In India Map

North South East West | Cardinal Directions | Geography for Kids

Do you ever get lost? Like, really lost? And then you start wishing you had paid more attention in geography class? Well, fear not my lost friends because today we're going to talk about cardinal directions. Yes, that's right, we're going back to basic elementary school level geography, but don't worry, I promise to make it fun. So, what are cardinal directions? Well, let me break it down for you. There are four cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west. These directions are used to describe any point on the earth's surface in relation to other points. For example, if you're facing north, then east is on your right and west is on your left. Simple, right? Now, you may be thinking, "Okay, but why are these directions important?" Well, let me tell you. Knowing your cardinal directions can help you navigate your way around a city or town. You can use a map and a compass to determine which way you're facing, which then helps you figure out which direction you need to go to get to your destination. But wait, there's more! In addition to the cardinal directions, there are also intermediate directions, which include northeast, northwest, southeast, and southwest. These directions are used to describe points that fall between the cardinal directions. Think of it like a compass rose, with the cardinal directions being the main points and the intermediate directions being the spaces in between. So, how do you remember all of these directions? Well, there are a few tricks. One is to use the acronym "Never Eat Soggy Waffles" to remember the order of the directions (north, east, south, west). Another is to use landmarks or buildings to help you orient yourself. For example, if you know that the Empire State Building is to the north of your location, then you can use that as a point of reference to navigate. And there you have it, folks. A crash course in cardinal directions. Now you can impress all of your friends with your newfound geography knowledge. Just don't forget to bring a map and compass on your next adventure. Happy navigating! Map Of India Direction - Maps of the World

North South East West | Cardinal Directions | Geography for Kids

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