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Garbage Island Google Earth

Being environmentally conscientious is not just for the hippies and the tree-huggers anymore. It's becoming a global concern, and more and more people are waking up to the fact that we need to do our part to save the planet.

And if you're looking for an eye-opening demonstration of how our waste is affecting the environment, look no further than the Google Earth Garbage Island, which has been brought to the forefront in the recent Trash Mapping Expedition.

Using high resolution images captured by satellites, the Trash Mapping Expedition has uncovered the devastating extent of the garbage patches that have formed in the ocean. These patches are essentially floating islands of plastic, debris and other types of waste that have been dumped into the ocean over the years.

The Google Earth Garbage Island, which is also known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, is the biggest and most well-known of these floating trash islands. Located in the Pacific Ocean, this garbage patch is estimated to be twice the size of Texas, and it's growing at an alarming rate. Experts warn that if we don't take drastic action soon, it could have catastrophic consequences for the environment.

So what can we do to help? Recycling is an obvious place to start, but we also need to be more mindful of the waste we generate in our daily lives. Simple steps like using reusable bags, switching to reusable water bottles, and reducing our use of plastic can make a big difference.

The Trash Mapping Expedition has brought the issue of plastic waste to the forefront, and it's up to all of us to take action. Let's work together to make our world a cleaner, healthier place for ourselves and future generations.

Google Earth Garbage Island / Trash Mapping Expedition Sheds Light On

Google Earth Garbage Island / Trash Mapping Expedition Sheds Light On

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